Witness Node Connection Details
Peerplays mainnet (Alice) block explorer: https://peerplaysdb.com/
Mainnet (Alice): Witness (& Seed) | Mainnet (Alice): API Node | Public Testnet (Beatrice): Witness (& Seed) | Public Testnet (Beatrice): API Node | Public Testnet (Beatrice): BOS installed? | Mainnet(Alice) Hardfork 1.0.0 | Mainnet(Alice) BOS Installed | |
1 | blckchnd api.ppy.blckchnd.com | api.ppy.blckchnd.com | blckchnd-testnet seed.ppy-beatrice.blckchnd.com:6666 | wss://api.ppy-beatrice.blckchnd.com ws://api.ppy-beatrice.blckchnd.com |
2 | taconator-witness pms.blockveritas.co:7777 | pma.blockveritas.co:8089 | taconator-witness seed: pts.blockveritas.co:6666 | pta.blockveritas.co:8089 |
3 | roelandp peerplays.roelandp.nl:9777 | wss://ppyws.roelandp.nl/ws (read more about it via https://ppyws.roelandp.nl) | roelandp |
| |
4 | i# seed.ppy.altcap.io:61388 | wwcd seed.testppy.altcap.io:6666 | wss://api.test.ppy.us.altcap.io |
| |
5 | xtar-testz | api.ppy.steemul.ru:8080 |
| |||
6 | lafona-witness |
| ||||
7 | nuevax seed.ppy.nuevax.com:19777 | api.ppy.nuevax.com | nuevax-test | api.ppytest.nuevax.com |
8 | bhuz peerplays.bhuz.info:9777 | bhuz-witness |
| ||
9 | bitcoinsig node.peerblock.trade:9777 | node.peerblock.trade:8090 | bitcoinsig-test | bnode.peerblock.trade bnode2.peerblock.trade |
10 | royal-flush | api2.ppy.blckchnd.com | royal-flush |
| |
11 | spacecrypt-witness https://ppyseed.spacemx.tech | wss://ppyseed.spacemx.tech | spacecrypt-witness https://testnet-ppyapi.spacemx.tech | https://testnet-ppyapi.spacemx.tech |
12 | houdini-witness peerplaysblockchain.net/mainnet/seed | peerplaysblockchain.net/mainnet/api | houdini-testnet | peerplaysblockchain.net/testnet/api |
13 | melea-trust | ws://78.ip-149-202-43.eu | melea-trust-witness seed: | wss://ip100.ip-54-37-165.eu/ ws://ip100.ip-54-37-165.eu/ wss://243.ip-51-38-237.eu/ ws://243.ip-51-38-237.eu/ |
14 | educatedwarrior-witness | educatedwarrior-test |
| ||
15 | eifos-witness seed01.eifos.org:7777 | eifos-witness seed-beatrice01.eifos.org:7777 | wss://api-beatrice01.eifos.org |
| |
16 | phi-guy | ws:// | phi-guy | ws:// |
17 | alex-pu | wss://alex-pu.info/ws | alexpu-witness | ws:// |
1 See https://github.com/wackou/bts_tools/blob/master/bts_tools/seednodes.py#L32 for a list of PPY seed nodes. Was updated on December 4, 2017; unclear how often that Git is updated.